/**I'm Ayanwumi Abdulroheem (Dev_cody).I'm a Frontend Developer with over 2 years of experience. I currently work as a frontend developer at PAC Holdings LTD.Frontend Development? I know my ways.I know a little about back-enddevelopment but where I am proficientthe most is Front-end development. Currently, my main area of focus isReact Native for mobile development.Besides that, my skills include HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Next Js, React Native, Firebase, Rest Api, Sanity CMS, Git, GraphQL, Chakra UI,Tailwind CSS and GraphQL.I'm also familiar with tools like Jira, GitHub and FigmaAsides programming, I'm also a technicalwriter, community builder and open-source lover.You can check out my technical contents here.Lastly, I am open to full-time front-end dev roles to improve my skills andalso solve more complex problems andwork on exciting projects*/